A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all Stellaris event IDs.
Events occur throughout the course of play. There are a whole range of events in the game, which can result in positive, negative and mixed outcomes for a player’s empire. They take the form of a pop-up notification on the player’s screen, which may present a player with a choice, or may simply inform the player of the consequences and require they acknowledge the event has occurred.
Name | ID |
42 Years and 3 DaysDistant Stars | distar.1045 |
??GPrecognition Interface??!Utopia | utopia.3181 |
??GPsionic Jump Drives??!Utopia | utopia.3161 |
??GPsionic Shields??!Utopia | utopia.3171 |
??H$caravaneers$??!: Tungle Destroyed | cara.910 |
??HBirth of the Galactic Market??! | action.97 |
??HBirth of the Galactic Market??! | action.96 |
??HCaravaneers??!: A warm welcome! | cara.4040 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Begone! | cara.4030 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Greener Grass | cara.4000 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Local Franchise | cara.4010 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Old with Defects | cara.4025 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Old with Defects | cara.4020 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Party Aftermath | cara.4041 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Reestablished | cara.940 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Thieves! | cara.4050 |
??HCaravaneers??!: Tungle Destroyed | cara.920 |
??HEcumenopolis??!: [Root.GetName] EncasedMegaCorp | mega.200 |
??HGalactic Market??!: Established | action.101 |
??HGalactic Market??!: Established in [market_founder_planet.GetStarName] | action.99 |
??HGalactic Market??!: Station Moved | action.103 |
??RBorder Intrusion Alert!??!Distant Stars | distar.1011 |
??RColony Lost!??! | action.87 |
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.76 |
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.75 |
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.74 |
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.73 |
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.72 |
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.71 |
??RThe Machine Uprising??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.1020 |
??RUnit Lost??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.21 |
??RUnit Lost??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.22 |
??RUnit Lost??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.23 |
??RUnit Lost??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.24 |
??RUnit Lost??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.25 |
??RUnit Lost??!Synthetic Dawn | syndaw.26 |
??RUnrest??!: A Sense of Community | unrest.140 |
??RUnrest??!: All Together | unrest.135 |
??RUnrest??!: Grounded | unrest.130 |
??RUnrest??!: Hallowed | unrest.115 |
??RUnrest??!: Hunger Strike on [Root.GetName] | unrest.159 |
??RUnrest??!: Keeping the Peace | unrest.110 |
??RUnrest??!: On Good Authority | unrest.120 |
??RUnrest??!: Organized Resistance | unrest.4000 |
??RUnrest??!: Radicalization | unrest.150 |
??RUnrest??!: Revolt on [Root.Target.GetName]! | unrest.4200 |
??RUnrest??!: Sabotage on [Root.GetName] | unrest.156 |
??RUnrest??!: Severe Terror | unrest.105 |
??RUnrest??!: Slave Revolt on [revolt_planet.Planet.GetName] | unrest.160 |
??RUnrest??!: Slave Riots on [revolt_planet.GetName] | unrest.157 |